Metatron Omega - Vyachnost

Dark Monastery Chants by Metatron Omega from the album ISIH 👉Bandcamp: 👉Spotify: The 5th album by Metatron Omega arrives to the sound of thunderous choirs from within the colossal church. “The reign of the eternal Consciousness is the Revelation of this age. Yet, its path is two-fold. As the primal sparks of Mind-matter are fractaling into multiple shards of Thought-universe, the children of the mortal realm have been thrown into the cycle of Existence. Seekers of the True Being transfigure themselves through the Darkness and towards the true Light. The prophets are silenced by the threat of Oblivion; the Illustrious-ones shed their very souls to achieve the road to the Beyond, trapped between the walls of Vyachnost.“ Pulsing with the thunderous voice of Ars Scientia, the New Empire initiates the aeon of Armageddon. What was in the Beginning, thus shall it be
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