De Gaulle Resigns (1946)

Title reads: “De Gaulle Resigns“. C/U of General Charles De Gaulle speaking from Pathe Studios, London in 1940. Various shots of De Gaulle getting off amphibious craft on Normandy beach and walking through town of Bayeux at time of liberation of France in 1944. M/S of De Gaulle giving speech in English (1944, New York). Various shots of De Gaulle in parade at liberation of Paris (1944). Various shots of French politicians thought likely to take over from De Gaulle as French president. C/U of Edouard Herriot, leader of radicals, placing vote in ballot box. M/S of Felix Gouin of Communist Party getting out of car. C/U of Socialist Vincent Auriol speaking to press. Note: for original stories showing De Gaulle at liberation of France see records for NORMANDY CONQUEST (44/50, film id ) and PARIS DELIVERED (44/70, film id of ). FILM ID:1372.3 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS,
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