Scotland V Springboks (1969)

Scotland V. Springboks. Rugby international at Murrayfield in Edinburgh. Scotland. SV At night. Crowds in Nicolson Street, Edinburgh demonstrating. SV Ditto. SV Ditto. GV Ditto. Top shot Ditto. Top shot Africa kick off at Murray- field, playing right to left. SCU No. 9 kicks up field. Top S. Scramble for the ball. GV Police pounding hell out of demonstrators at side of pitch. SV Demonstrator being led away. CU Demonstrator being led away. L/S of South Africa’s No. 10 taking penalty. Ball between posts, (marked in yellow), making score 3 - 0, to South Africa. GV Scoreboard. CU Man having his head bandaged at half time. GV Crowd waving their hands. Top shot line out. Referee awards penalty to Scotland. Top S. No. 15 taking the kick for Scotland. Ball between posts, zoom in to posts. Zoom back to crowd cheering. GV Midfield play. Scotland attacking. Top shot Crowd. MS Scrummage. Ball comes to Scotland player and is passed across field. Top shot Smith of Scotland running for the line. Zoom in as he goes ov
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