Butterfly Guard Sweep Tips and 2 BJJ Solo Drills

Butterfly Guard is one of my favorite positions and I’ve included some tips that I think will be helpful to anyone attempting to use the position. This video is a response to a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu related question I received about how to use the Butterfly Guard effectively. In my experience one of the most useful things I’ve learned from using the position is being able to adjust your hips and move in quickly to take advantage of good grips quickly without needing your hands to adjust. This leaves your hands free to grip fight and maintain strong grips. The second thing I believe is equally important is the way you fall when you’re attempting a Butterfly Guard Sweep. You should be falling to the side more so than falling to your back. Many times I’ve seen people rolling or in a BJJ competition try and use a Butterfly Guard sweep but they sit straight back and it’s easy for their opponent to counter. Going at an angle to the side makes it much m
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