Understanding the KATA by Kururunfa Application.|Ippei Yagi 八木一平先生|gojyu-ryu 剛柔流|クルルンファ型の分解と理解

Let’s learn the real Okinawa traditional karate now with the members ↓↓↓ 今回は、要望の多い、クルルンファの型の分解を一部ご紹介します。 This time, because we received many requests from you all, I’d like to introduce BUNKAI(part of the form application). 型の分解については色々な解釈があり、話があります。 There are various interpretations of application, and there are various stories. 今回は、長く継承されてきたものをご紹介します。 But I’d like to introduce the one that has been inherited for a long time. 剛柔流明武館 八木道場総本部 八木一平先生への取材、稽古の問い合わせは下記まで Goju-ryu Meibu-kan headquarters: To apply for interviews and lessons with Ippei Yagi sensei, please contact the following. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ @ Okinawa Karate Federation :// Okinawa traditional karate association: Okinawa Karate Kaikan #goju-ryu#OkinawaKarate#kururunfa
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