月儿圆圆,稻米飘香,正逢农家收谷忙Full Moon, Fragrance of Ripe Rice, Farmers Busy Harvesting Crops | Liziqi Channel

Plaese subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: 开启小铃铛🔔通知,第一时间观看#李子柒Liziqi 精彩视频哦~ 春种一粒,秋收百颗。 育秧 打田 插秧 生长 抽穗 扬花 灌浆 再到成熟 收获至端上饭桌, 知道我们吃的食物从哪里来! 珍惜每一颗劳动而来的粮食, 好好吃饭[心] Plant a seed in spring, and you’ll harvest hundreds of grains in fall. From the initial preparation stage including the nursing of rice seedlings, ploughing, and transplanting; to the growth phases including germination, heading, flowering, and ripening; to full maturity, harvest, and be
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