RAF Ferry Command (1942)

Titles read: “RAF FERRY COMMAND“. Somewhere on the west coast of Britain. Aerial views as we cross over the sea in a Liberator aircraft that is on its way from Montreal in Canada to a reception terminal in west Britain. Brief shots of pilots in the cockpit. In a Transatlantic Air Control Room at the terminal we see wireless operators and WAAF cypher officers receiving and decoding messages relating to the types of aircraft on their way over. A movement board keeps track of planes arriving from Canada. In the observation tower men give landing instructions to the approaching Liberator and it lands on the airfield. M/S of Chief of Ferry Command Sir Frederick Bohill arrives at the airfield after a transatlantic crossing to inspect the European end of his organisation. WAAF ground staff unload kit from the plane. Government sponsored passengers step off a plane. A Fortress arrives with war supplies. Newly trained airmen from Canada step off a plane; one man has brought a banana with him that he
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