Jataka Stories: The Acrobats, Citta & Sambhuta

This is an ongoing series with Jataka stories told by Margo McLoughlin. Jatakas are native to India and belong to the first Buddhist literature concerning the previous births of the Buddha in both human and animal form. The Acrobats (Citta-Sambhuta-Jataka) is Jataka no. 498 in the six-volume series of translations edited by E. B. Cowell. Margo translated and adapted this story. Margo McLoughlin is a storyteller, writer and teacher, based in Victoria, on the west coast of Canada. While on staff at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, Margo began studying Pali, the language of the earliest Buddhist teachings. For the past twenty years she has been translating, adapting and performing the Jataka tales and other stories from the Buddhist tradition. For more about Margo, please visit: . Margo in an interview with Ajahn Sona: Ajahn Sona Podcast: This episode:
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