Pompidou Inauguration Aka Georges Pompidou Takes Office As New French President (1969)

No title. Presidential inaugurations; Georges Pompidou takes office as new French president, Paris, France. Interior. L/S the Elysee Palace as Georges Pompidou enters. C/U Georges Pompidou. M/S interim president Alain Poher making short greeting, pan to M. Pompidou, in the background is Prime Minister Couve de Murville. M/S ditto. C/U Admiral Georges Cabanier handing over to the new president the Grand Cordon of the Order which traditionally is held by President in office. M/S line of VIPs. Exterior. Pompidou and Couve de Murville riding in open car down Champs Elysee. C/U ditto. Tracking shot crowd waving. L/S looking down Champs Elysee as the president’s car and escort of horsemen making their way towards the Arc de Triomphe in the distance. C/U one of the horsemen. M/S M. Pompidou waving from car. Tracking shot crowd waving. M/S Pompidou standing at grave of unknown soldier at Arc de Triomphe, he lights eternal flame. C/U Pompidou paying tribute. Angle shot flag between arches of Arc de T
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