Kanya by Katya Rani

The story of this video is not great because we shot it badi mushkil se... When we came to the studio we rented for the shooting of this dance we discovered that the acoustic system wasn’t working properly and we could hardly hear the music. Well, the duet video haven’t come out good at all because of that but there is a solo video of mine which though is not at all perfect (again due to the acoustic system problem), but I still want to show it to the world. Well, let it be... The sound of ghoongroo I recorded separately at home because I wanted this dance to be “alive“. Hope yu all like it. Don’t forget to put “Thumbs up“ if you liked the video and please subscribe my channel for the upcoming videos. Thank you :) Choreographer & dancer: Katerina Krivenko Music: Niraj Chag Photography: Lera Akhmadeeva Edited and directed by Katerina Krivenko Location: Ulan-Ude, Russia Camera used: iPhone SE (2) SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE DANCE VIDEOS FROM KATYARANI. Official FB page: https
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