This is a clip from episode 6 of the anime Lucky Star. Fansubs courtesy of [.]. If you enjoy it, please show your support and purchase the first volume of Lucky Star which is OUT NOW in the US from Bandai Entertainment.
Volume 2 is also OUT NOW and features this episode! Please buy it!
And for anyone wondering what the hell Timotei is:
4 months ago 00:26:44 1
Schismaticii nu pot fi pomeniți la Sfânta Liturghie cu nici un chip.
4 months ago 00:01:48 1
ЭДГАР РУКИ-НОЖНИЦЫ. Вайнона Райдер и Тимоти Шаламе в рекламе CADILLAC (на русском)
4 months ago 01:27:06 1
Дождливый день в Нью-Йорке / A Rainy Day in New York (2019) / Тимоти Шаламе в комедии Вуди Аллена
4 months ago 00:00:59 1
Маленькие женщины | Я всегда хотела выйти замуж за богатого | Флоренс Пью и Тимоти Шаламе