Franz Liszt - Sechs Präludien und Fugen für Orgel von Johann Sebastian Bach, (Husson)

A minor, BWV 543 0:00 - Prelude, 3:19 - Fugue, C major, BWV 545 8:29 - Prelude, 10:30 - Fugue, C minor, BWV 546 13:55 - Prelude, 19:32 - Fugue, C major, BWV 547 23:45 - Prelude, 27:45 - Fugue, E minor, BWV 548 31:15 - Prelude, 37:24 - Fugue, B minor, BWV 544 44:34 - Prelude, 50:10 - Fugue, The passing of the age of deriding the transcription allows us to be joyful at one composer’s enthusiasm and understanding of the works of another. Transcription, in any case, has been a valid way of music making in almost every generation of the history of Western music, and it cannot be simply assumed that the gramophone has replaced it as a likely means of disseminating music not often encountered in live performance. In the case of his very careful arrangements of seven of Bach’s greatest organ works, it should be mentioned that Liszt wa
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