Zoochosis | Official Announcement Trailer

Step into the terrifying world of ’Zoochosis’, a new horror game from indie studio Clapperheads. Set in a zoo where animals turn into monstrous creatures, you, as the zookeeper, face a nightmarish challenge captured through your bodycam. With a history of creating eerie horror titles, Clapperheads now brings you a unique blend of horror and zoo management. Prepare for an immersive experience filled with body horror, tough choices, and a narrative-driven adventure. ’Zoochosis’ combines the thrill of classic horror with innovative gameplay. Coming soon to Steam in late 2024. Subscribe for more updates and get ready to face your fears in ’Zoochosis’! #Zoochosis #Clapperheads #IndieHorror #NewGame #SteamGames #BodyHorror #ZooKeeperChallenge #HorrorGaming #GamingNews #2024Games
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