DEFENCE / SHOWBIZ: Clark Gable to make military training film (1943)
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NEXT GABLE FILM HAS NO HEROINE Clark Gable, now US Air Force Captain, tells plans to make training film.
Full Description:
England: LV Clark Gable walking towards rear guns of Fortress. CU Gable with flying helmet on. SV Shot of photographers. LV Gable looking out of waist gunner’s window talking to airmen. SV Gable looking out of window talking to airmen. CU Gable leaning out of waist gunner’s window. Shot inside Fortress Gable firing machine gun. CU Gable firing machine gun inside Fortress. CU Group shot of photographers. LV Gable talking with a group of air-gunners. CU Gable talking.
LV Gable talking. “Lieutenant Mackentyre and myself have been asked what our job is over here. To begin with we went to gunnery school at Pinder Field(?) and we flew over here “with a crew of Air Force cameramen assigned to a bomb group. Here’s where our re