Tree Climbing Equipment Aka Tree Bike (1961)

Gloucester. M/S of two men walking in a wood and looking up at the trees; both have ropes slung over their shoulders and carry circular metal equipment. They decide on a tree as commentator tells us “...they’re at the Forestry School in Gloucestershire and they are selecting trees for cone collection“. The men fasten the circular metal equipment around the trunk of the chosen tree; this is the ’tree bike’. Each metal ring has a bar sticking out from it, with a pedal on the end. One of the men walks off with the end of the rope while the other puts on a safety belt and attaches the rope to it. He then stands before the tree and puts a rope around the trunk, fastening this to the belt too, and puts his feet into the pedals, buckling the straps over his shoes. The pedal bar on the higher metal ring is much longer than the other one. He starts to climb up the tree by using the pedals - amazing! The pedal bars seem to press a rubber stopper against the trunk, enabling him to climb while in an upri
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