Edgar Froese - Epsylon in Malaysian Pale (from the album “Epsylon in Malaysian Pale“)

Co-founder of Tangerine Dream, Edgar Froese did some fine solo albums parallel to his work with the Tangs in the 70s and 80s. 40 years ago he released an album with 2 long pieces of music that can be seen as an impressionistic painting with a variety of different moods and sensations realized with sound generators, such as the Mellotron and the Moog Synthesizer. Froese, who died last year, left a wonderful back catalogue of interesting electronic music. “Epsylon in Malysian Pale” is like a vivid day dream, somewhere in a jungle on an island. You can really feel the intensity of the surrounding, the sun, the humidity, the exotic birds and the ongoing changes. It’s quite a remarkable recording and it does not become dull or monotone. If you like to drown into something else, here’s a good example how to exercise in. Put on your head gear and take a break. Enjoy this trip.
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