Forgotten Wars - The Nubian Invasion of Egypt (720 BC)

A history documentary on the Forgotten Wars - The Nubian Invasion of Egypt! The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the full membership. In this history documentary we explore the tale of King Piye as recorded by his victory stela around the year 720 BC. He hailed from the Nubian civilization which had long been entwined with the history of Egypt. In fact its lands had recently been ruled by the northern power during the New Kingdom of Egypt. Upon its collapse though, the people of Nubia were in a prime position to take up the mantle of rulership. We begin by setting the stage with an explanation for why the New Kingdom of Egypt fell into decline and what factions rose up from its ashes during the Third Intermediate Period. Around 730 BC, the status quo in the region would be upset by Tefnakht, the prince of Sais, who formed a coalition that would begin to devour his neighbo
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