I found the data and papers I have been looking for .. you dig, you find... and sometimes you find GOLD... this is it... The riddle of our evolution has been solved... by AP Derevyenko and his big team in the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography... in Novosibirsk, in the Altai Mountains in SIBERIA ... part of Russia :-) :-) :-) Thank you for copyrighted materials to 1. Alexander Glazunov The Altai Mountains 2. A.P. Derevyenko A. Genealogy of Mankind ; Theories and facts biblioteka/431435/Rodoslovnaya_chelovechestva_teorii_i_fakty B. THREE GLOBAL HUMAN MIGRATIONS IN EURASIA Volume VI, Part 1. DENISOVAN HUMAN: ORIGINS, MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL CULTURE
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