Public FreakOut

This video explores BLM Logic about over-policing and applying it to other areas such as SNAP, i.e. food stamps. What should be defunded and abolished? BLM looks at the fact black communities have a disproportionate police presence to argue they’re “over-policed.” I’d argue, however, that in communities where if you call 9-11 you can be put on “hold” for hours or where a disproportionate amount of crime goes unsolved or where police are forced to work double or even triple shifts then I think such communities are actually under-policed! But it’s interesting to me how BLM doesn’t use their same line of logic about other areas where the black community gets a disproportionate amount of taxpayer funding. Defund food stamps? But seriously, why don’t they? Both security and food are part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs so I suppose if you can do with less of one you could do with less of the other? And obesity is particularly rampant in poor black neighborhoods therefore killing way more black Americans than p
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