2020 Creations Extended Vid 2hr 50min | LONG CHILL CRAFTING VIDEO | Seriously Creative

COME SAY HI! WEBSITE ~ INSTAGRAM ~ ✱ ✱ ✱ RESIN SAFETY Please use resin with care. Any health and safety questions should be asked directly to the company of the resin you use. Read your product safety data sheet (SDS) before using, always wear PPE- nitrile gloves, respirator and goggles or a full-face respirator. Do it in an open, ventilated area- separate to your living spaces. Long sleeved clothing is also advised. Do some research into using resin safely so you can be as well informed as possible to the possible health risks of using it incorrectly. ✱ ✱ ✱ RESIN * Use the code “SERIOUSLY“ for a discount on your order. I use ArtCast Slow Set for both pouring and doming. I also use their UV resin and I LOVE IT! They also have stunning resin pigments & pastes
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