From Saint Petersburg to Moscow by “Sapsan“ train

Moskovsky railway station is located in the center of St. Petersburg, but when it was built in the 40s of the 19th century, this place was the outskirts of the city. At the same time the other station was constructed in Moscow. Both stations connected St. Petersburg (which at that time was the capital of the Russian Empire) and Moscow and were called “Nikolaevsky“ after Nicholay the First- Russian emperor. The projects were identical, so the stations looked like twins. But today inside they look different. There you can see the schedule. My train is 771. As usual, I arrived at the station in advance, because I do not like to rush. For me, it’s better to wait somewhere in a cafe than to run headlong. And speaking about the wleather it is really not very good for taking a walk. It snowed all night, and in the morning snow began to melt. Now it has turned into a solid mess. I can imagine what a headache this is for utilities and how they hate this kind of weather. For me, th
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