Watch the combat work of the crew of the Buk-M1-2 anti-aircraft missile system

Watch the combat work of the crew of the Buk-M1-2 anti-aircraft missile system During a special military operation, crews of the Buk-M1-2 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Southern Group of Forces continue to ensure the protection of units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from enemy air attacks. This highly mobile complex is designed to destroy combat aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, guided bombs and other aerodynamic flying objects, in the entire range of their possible applications, as well as to combat tactical ballistic, aircraft missiles and other elements of precision weapons in flight. In the zone of a special military operation, the complexes protect troops, command posts, headquarters from attacks by an air enemy who is trying to launch an air strike, as well as populated areas where civilians are located. The Buk-M1-2 air defense missile launcher moves to the firing position. Buks are also distinguished by their high cross-country ability and reach a... Source: Military Wave
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