The Rose Ensemble “Lincoln and Liberty“ (1860) -The Hutchinson Family Singers

Inspired by their family upbringing, personal motivation, and religious belief, the members of the 19th-century Hutchinson Family Singers played a vital role in an era of interracial social action. They crafted brilliant lyrics set atop well-known tunes and spread the antislavery message across the northern United States and England. Critics and fans said many things about the Hutchinsons, and they earned public praise (as well as scorn) at a level comparable to any renowned public figure then or now. Yet everyone agreed that the singers were dead set on stopping the enslavement of black men a...nd women in the American South. In 1860, John Hutchinson campaigned enthusiastically for Abraham Lincoln, publishing a book of campaign songs, “Hutchinson’s Republican Songster,“ which featured the song “Lincoln and Liberty.” Lyrics: John Hutchinson Tune: “Old Rosin the Bow” Arrangement: Dan Chouinard The Rose Ensemble, Jordan Sramek, Founder/Artistic Director Singer
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