Paperboy 2 (1992) Walkthrough + Review, ZX Spectrum

You are the Paperboy and must deliver the newspaper to your customers on a daily basis. Being set in the USA, this entails riding your bike down a different street every day, throwing newspapers into the mailboxes or onto the doorsteps of your subscribers. If a person doesn’t get his paper, he’ll cancel his subscription - and no subscriptions means no job! Papers can be handy for other things though.... There are various obstacles in your way which will try to knock you off you bike. A well-aimed newspaper makes a handy weapon against these hazards! Also, there’s no harm in encouraging people who don’t subscribe to your paper to think again about their decision - whack a few papers through their windows for extra points! And while you’re at it, why not aim a few at their bird tables and dustbins? Or ride your bike over their flower beds? Mind you don’t run out of papers though! You can only carry ten at a time, but supplies are left at various points along your r
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