Measuring the sizes of small bodies: the lab report

Hello, dear Teacher! This is my Lab Report “Measuring the sizes of small bodies“. The Purpose of the Lab: learning how to measure the size with the row method. Instruments and Materials: ruler, peas, millet grains, needle. Procedure (description of my actions) 1. I placed 21 peas in a row close to my ruler, and then measured the length of the row and calculated the average diameter of a pea. 2. I calculated the size of a millet grain by the same way. To make it more convenient, I applied a needle. 3. Next, I determined the diameter of the molecule from the photograph with the row method (magnification is equal to 5 000 000). The true size of the molecule will be 5 million times smaller than in the photo. Results of Measurements and Calculations (table) Conclusion: With the labwork I learned how to measure small bodies using the row method. Reference Peryshkin, I.M., and others. Fizika 7kl. Uchebnik. Publisher: Prosveshchenie, 2021 Sincerely yours, Yu. M.
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