✨How did folks in the 1950’s handle Cold and Flu symptoms?✨

✨How did folks in the 1950’s handle Cold and Flu symptoms?✨ 🔺If it seems like You and everyone else has been getting sick, you’re not imagining things—the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared a flu epidemic, as the disease has been hitting the country hard this season and will likely continue for several more weeks. 🦠It may surprise you that many medications that were prescribed decades ago contained ingredients that you definitely won’t find in cold and flu medicine today. 💉“Patent medications weren’t nationally regulated until the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, and even after that, it was updated and amended many times to include more regulations on what shouldn’t be included in over-the-counter medications,” says Katherine Ott, curator in the Division of Medicine and Science at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. “So for a long time, medicines had ingredients that would never be allowed today.”🔻 The pharmaceutical industry is untrustworthy ...
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