краснолицый лесной сокол/загадочный лесной сокол/Cryptic Forest-Falcon Singing in Amazon Brazil!
Micrastur mintoni is a quite small bird of prey that lurks in the dark parts of river vegetation in search for birds, lizards and big insects. There are two races, the Amazonian one (shown here) and the Critically Endangered Atlantic Forest form of E Brazil.
Nome em português: Falcão-críptico
If you are new to birdwatching and wildlife photography I strongly recommend good binoculars and good cameras. There are many binoculars of bad quality that can ruin your eyesight over time.
It is true that some binoculars are very expensive. But as a beginner you don’t need them, you can have a much cheaper one that will definitely blow your mind as soon as you get your first cool bird in front of you!
Here I recommend one 8x42 and another one 10x42 (magnification x front lens size). Both are Bushnell a very traditional brand:
If you are an experienced birder I recommend an awesome Zeiss Terra that will blow you mind:
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2 years ago 00:03:13 4
краснолицый лесной сокол/Сryptic Forest-Falcon Singing in Amazon Brazil!
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