Aquascaping - Planted aquarium 265x60x60

A - Rotala colorata; B, S - Ludwigia brevipes; C, H, L, U - Microsorum sp. Trident; D, M, T - Christmass moss; E, Z - Anubias nana; F, Y - Didiplis diandra; G - Cryptocoryne costata; I, N - Blyxa japonica; J, P - Hemianthus callitrichoides; K - Phoenix moss; O - mini Pelia; R - Cryptocoryne sp.; W - Blyxa aubertii; X - Cryptocoryne legroi. Location: planted aquarium gallery of the shop , Kraków, Poland. Dimensions: 265x60x60 cm. Lighting: 12 x 49W T5 (8 x 965 4 x 830). Filtration: Eheim Classic 2260, Eheim Professionel 3 2080. CO2 supply: 8 bubbles / sec, CO2 bottle 6 kg.
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