People Like Us (La Gente Come Noi) 432hz

Cliccare su CC per sottotitoli in Italiano. Lyrics: The world all around me that I once believed in is nothing more than a regime and I can’t close my eyes I won’t pretend that’s always been like this! I’d never imagine that one day I would have to show a certificate to be able to do just about anything what kind of world is this? People like us will never give up People like us will never give in People like we are Never will give up People like us will never give in! I just look around me I see people worried they think we’re all about to die! They don’t even consider that smoking kills twice at times flu kills the same Health system collapsing for years been neglected but Govs are funding other things! All cures are forbidden and we’re forced to be the guinea pigs of a gene therapy! People like us will never give up People like us will never give in People like
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