8-bit Mixtape Classic

an edition from 8-bit Mixtape project initiated by Budi Prakosa, Marc Dusseiller and Andreas Siagian, 8-bit Mixtape Classic is pocket size (or cassette size to be more exact) synthesizer for live performance using 1 line algorithmic symphony. Since 2013 geeks from (Indonesia), Budi Prakosa, Andreas Siagian and various groups in Switzerland, dusjagr labs, SGMK, , Gaudi Labs, have developed a series of 8bit MixTapes, sound-codes and homemade circuitboards. The 8bit MixTape is a very simple sounds & beats generator based on an ATtiny microcontroller, compatible and programmable using the popular Arduino environment. Only a little bit of soldering is needed and you then can start programming your own sounds, noises and 8bit tunes. Generating a sound on an 8bit chip, like the ATtiny, is very easy, you can start with simple square waves and later on go to more interesting algorithmic sounds using the famous one-liners introduced in the demo-scene by viznut.
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