President Johnson With Legionnaires (1966)

Washington, USA, United States of America PRESIDENT JOHNSON WITH LEGIONNAIRES L.S. Parade through streets of Washington by American Legionnaires for their 48th. convention. V.S. Inside the convention hall which is the District of Columbia National Guard Armoury. US President, Lyndon B Johnson makes speech from rostrum. Speaking on Vietnam . he speaks: “Make no mistake about the character of this war. Our adversaries have done us at least one great service. They have described this war for what it is, in un-mistakable terms. It is meant to be the opening salvo in a series of bombardments, or as they are called in Peking, wars of liberation. If it succeeds in South Vietnam, they will see that what the Vietnamese can do, they can do too. Unless we have the imagination to understand what is happening in the world, we may find ourselves together with all of our friends among the highly developed nations, facing a series of explosive crisis in which our military involvement is urgently at issue“.
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