The Crimson Mask - Tales of Mayhem & Madness (Full Album) 2023

- Death Metal - USA (Birmingham, Alabama) - Release date: January 13th, 2023 1. The Old Hag 00:00 2. Going Out the Heming-Way 01:11 3. Peter Trepan (The Picker) 05:20 4. Out for a Ride 12:27 5. Lysergic Acid Deity 14:20 6. Domhan na Súl Marbh 21:50 7. Old Man of the Desert 24:25 8. Pariah 29:32 9. The Unnameable Horror 34:20 lineup: Andrew Young◾Vocals (track 7), Bass Saíd López◾Drums Allen Eaton◾Guitars, Vocals Produced by The Crimson Mask Recorded at The Witch House/ Poisontree Mobile Sound Engineered, mixed, and mastered by Andrew Young Illustrations by Judi Romney Art direction and layout by Andrew Young Assistant recording engineers: Allen Eaton and Richard Hamilton Choir vocals by The Chorus of the Dead All songs and sonic abominations written and manifested by Allen Eaton, Except “Pariah,“ written by Andrew Young
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