UFFIZI GALLERY: Every Painting Tells A Story!

Have you ever visited a museum, stared at a famous painting, but really didn’t know what the painting was about? Well, in this video about the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, one of the greatest museums in the world, you will learn what each famous painting and altarpiece means-their symbolism and history. You will see some of the greatest artistic works of all-time by some of the greatest artists of all-time, including: The Holy Family with Infant St. John the Baptist (20:52) by Michelangelo, Madonna of the Goldfinch (25:01) by Raphael, Annunciation (26:12) and Adoration of the Magi (26:55) by Leonardo da Vinci, Fortitude (11:25), Primavera (12:41), and The Birth of Venus (14:30) by Sandro Botticelli, and much more! 0:00 Uffizi Gallery Introduction 1:51 Giotto and the 13th Century 3:28 Sienese Painting of the 14th Century 4:49 Florentine Paintings of the 14th Century 6:26 International Gothic 9:48 Early Renaissance 11:23 Pollaiolo 12:40 Botticelli 19:00 The Tribune
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