В Саудовской Аравии построят небоскреб высотой в милю

King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques unveiled and inaugurated the two colossal projects of Kingdom City in Jeddah and Kingdom Tower in Jeddah in the presence of HRH Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, HRH Prince Khaled Alfaisal Governor of Makkah Province, HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) and Eng. Adel Muhammad Faqih, Mayor of Jeddah and other members of the royal family. The unveiling of the designs and plans of the tower that will adorn the city of Jeddah and will be over 1,000 meters high, was held at the opening of a major international architectural exhibition Towards the First World in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Saturday 11th October 2008. KHC was the main sponsor of this historical event. KHCs two projects: Kingdom City and Kingdom Tower were the highlight of the exhibition with a major presentation. It was the first time the design for Kingdom City and the iconic Kingdom Tower were revealed publicly. During the event, King Abdullah and Prince Alwal
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