Jess Glynne - Take Me Home [One Shot]

When I wrote this song I was fighting with myself, trying to understand why I was so broken, why I had been left and was hurting so badly, why I felt like I had lost something that I would never have again and why I felt like it was all my fault. I felt like I was never going to be happy again. I signed my record deal and my dreams were coming true but the person I loved wasn’t there and it didn’t hide the fact that my soul was unbalanced. I wrote this song when I was angry and nothing felt right. I didn’t know how to get past the emptiness I was feeling. Once I wrote it, I put it to bed and didn’t listen to it for months and months and I slowly started to take on my life with a different perspective. My friend said to me give yourself space and time and it’s true, that’s all I needed. I was reminded of who I was as a person by someone who cared so much and wouldn’t let me break. I was given an opportunity to make an album and have a career in doing what I love, which is so
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