Military personnel from the FPV drones of the Center group destroyed armored vehicles and a Ukrainian stronghold

Military personnel from the FPV drones of the Center group destroyed armored vehicles and a Ukrainian stronghold In the zone of a special military operation, military personnel from the FPV drones of the Center group of troops destroyed armored vehicles and a stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdeevka direction. Having received a task for combat use, military personnel prepare drones for takeoff, equipping them with various weapons. Depending on the target, the FPV drone is capable of carrying high-explosive fragmentation, thermobaric or cumulative projectiles. Working in conjunction with crews of reconnaissance UAVs, FPV drone operators quickly lift the ‘bird’ into the air and guide it to the target. Having discovered armored vehicles, a strong point or a concentration of enemy personnel, the operator directs the projectile to the target, destroying it. Objective control means from a reconnaissance drone monitor the hit and the result of hitting the target. FPV drone... Source: Military Wave
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