Some amazing things we did this week in our English classroom

Oh boy, oh boy, OH BOY! ✨ Almost all of my students are back and settled and it’s come to a point where I have to delete things we did in one week because the video would be 5 minutes long 😂 This week we have: ✨ Created a crazy story to practice creative thinking skills, speaking, reading & listening. ✨Continued building our hotel in our waterpark resort. ✨Designed a logo for our hotel. ✨Answered questions about ourselves with a dance’n’speak game ✨Who’ll finish first? Played a teacher vs. student body parts & face parts game ✨Continued building our Pokémon habitats game world. ✨ Had a student who changed and customized his avatar for the first time. ✨ Had a student who completed his first page with the letter A in the 3d alphabet word. ✨Had an interactive storytelling session with a 4-year-old student for the first time. ✨Planned out, designed, and edited digital Pokémon stories! (We’ll publish them quite soon! ✨…AND, SO, SO, SO MUCH MORE! How is your September at school/home going? And of course, what do you think of our activities? #englishforkids #englishforchildren #onlineenglish #pokemon
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