One Hour of Portuguese Communist Music

Trabalhadores do mundo, uni-vos! 0:00 Avante Camarada (Forward, Comrade) 3:00 A Internacional (The Internationale) 5:30 Até à Vitória Final (To the Final Victory) 9:10 Honra a Ribeiro Santos (Honouring Ribeiro Santos) 11:36 Hino da Federação Mundial da Juventude Democrática (Anthem of the World Federation of Democratic Youth) 15:19 Classe Contra Classe (Class Against Class) 17:52 Alerta (Alert) 22:25 Hino da Reconstrução do Partido (Hymn of the Reconstruction of the Party) 26:31 Cantiga do Trabalho (Song of Labour) 31:54 Povo Em Armas (People in Arms) 33:56 Soldados Ao Lado do Povo (Soldiers at the People’s Side) 36:56 Cantar da Jorna (Singing of Jorna) 41:12 A Cantiga é Uma Arma (Song is a Weapon) 45:05 Exército do Povo (People’s Army) 47:47 O Povo Unido Jamais Será Vencido (The People, United, Will Never Be Defeated) 51:10 Venceremos (We Shall Prevail) 53:25 Carvalhesa
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