MRI | Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge (Mozart) | by Anna-Maria Hefele
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Anna-Maria Hefele: harp, voice, overtone singing |
video: @radlwimmer |
MRI recordings: Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Richter |
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music: “Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge“ (longing for springtime) composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, arranged, performed and recorded by Anna-Maria Hefele
What you see in this dynamic MRI-recording is the tongue movement in the vocal tract while doing overtone singing and normal singing. The positions of the tongue forms the resoncance cavities which delete all not-wanted overtones in the sound of the voice at a certain point in time, and then amplify a single overtone that is left, which can be heard as a seperate note above the fundamental.
The MRI recordings were made by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Richter, Prof. Dr. Matthias Echternach and Dr.- Ing. Michael Burdumy in the University Medical Center Freiburg, Institute for Musician’s Medicine.
- thank you so much for the kind permission to use the MRI-footage in order to share this fascinating singing-insight with the world!
The team of doctors in Freiburg developed a highly specialized equipment for recording and and also filtering sound in the MRI-machine. This recording is made while using a pre-produced playback on headphones in the really loud MRI-machine while lying on the back.
A lot of more of very interesting MRI- and endoscopy- recordings of various singers and vocalists (classical singers, overtone singers, yodellers, beatboxers....) are published on a DVD @ Helbling.
“Die Stimme: Einblicke in die physiologischen Vorgänge biem Singen und Sprechen“
“The Voice: Physiological Insights in Singing and Speaking“
You can order it here:
This video is under copyright. Please feel free to repost and embedd the video while using its original YouTube-Link: . No download & re-uploading on other websites, social networks or channels. If you want to get a license for the video or parts of it please contact me (via ) AND the copyright owners of the MRI-footage at the Institute for Musicians Medicine Freiburg ().
Thanks for showing respect to the creative artist of your choice!!!
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