The Crackpet Show - Gameplay Trailer

Wishlist now: The Crackpet Show is an action-packed rogue-lite shoot ’em up about mutated animals competing for fame and fortune — and their lives — on the most violent television show in broadcast history! Battle for gory glory in randomized episodes featuring dozens of weapons and perks to arm your crazy critter. Make guns spew molten lava, turn yourself into a berserker, and let your bullets bounce between enemies! With perks that stack on-top of each other, there are always new ways to bring gruesome death to your furry foes. Just in case you’re just as cracked as we are, terminally o...nline and not knowing what to do with yourself… We may be busy little bees, but you should follow these pages: Our site (where the developers write… you know, stuff) - Our Reddit, where it can even be a lot of fun - Our Twitter with jokes, gags and rofltastic memes -
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