Bodyshock vs. Dyprax @ Masters of Hardcore - Tournament of Tyrants

Ladies, gentlemen, viewers and listeners worldwide. We present you a clash of epic proportions. In the left corner, the untamable riot starter hailing from the east of the Netherlands. Gaining notoriety for completely annihilating his rivals. Show your respect for: BODYSHOCK! In the right corner, one of truly savage veterans in the game. Revered for his fearless attacks and relentless strikes. Please welcome: DYPRAX! Let’s get ready to rumble! Fight! DOWNLOAD THE ANTHEM 00:12 Angerfist & Tha Watcher - Tournament of Tyrants (Official Masters of Hardcore 2018 anthem) FOLLOW THE SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS Masters of Hardcore Angerfist Hardcore ATTEND MASTERS OF HARDCORE IN 2019 Masters of Hardcore 30th of March 2019 Brabanthallen, ’s-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands
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