愛して愛して愛して / Love Me, Love Me, Love Me (Covered by Nerissa Ravencroft) - Metal Remix
HoloEN Gen 3 is here, folks! I’ve come to like all of Advent so far, but the one that stuck out to me the most was Nerissa. The Demon of Sound has made a strong first impression by debuting with this absolute banger of a cover! Apparently she’s been in the music-making business for quite a while, and you can definitely tell; she has a really, REALLY good voice, especially for tunes like this one. I’m not all that into vocaloid, but I found Aishite to be kind of special, and hearing Rissa’s take on it only made it better. Surprisingly, her voice seems to suit metal pretty perfectly! I guess it might be because the original song is already fairly dark, but she has said she liked Evanescence and SOAD before, so I’d wager those artists influenced her a good deal.
All in all, I’m really looking forward to whatever this raven has planned next!
SONG: 愛して愛して愛して (Love Me, Love Me, Love Me)
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2 months ago 00:00:33 1
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2 months ago 00:05:15 1
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