DEFENCE/USA: USA restricts petrol usage in war efforts to aide United Kingdom (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit America rations gasoline and implements energy saving modes of transportation to help England during WWII. Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Behind the World’s Front Lines. America Today. USA: EXT America enforces fuel rationing on the Eastern Seaboard and cars must be approved for fill-ups. Clever soundbite - “Petrol for troop transport on planes and tanks: alright. Petrol for riding ’round the country club and outdoor roadhouse: none to spare... It’s all needed for the navy and the army and the air force.“ US saves energy by air and ground, motorless planes, combination truck and freight train on railways, and transport by mule trains. Franklin Roosevelt (US President 1933-1945) and Sir Alan Brooke (Britain’s Chief of the Imperial General Staff) are noted as wartime leaders. World War
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