Su-25 crews of the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a missile strike on Ukrainian positions

Su-25 crews of the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a missile strike on Ukrainian positions The crews of Su-25 attack aircraft, carrying out combat missions in the interests of the Center group of troops, launched a missile strike on a stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces under conditions of strong influence of electronic warfare in the zone of a special military operation. Skirting the terrain at extremely low altitudes, the combat pair of attack aircraft approached the starting point of the attack. After aiming at the target, the pilots launched S-13 unguided missiles using a pitching maneuver, accompanied by a sharp climb with the nose of the aircraft raised above the horizon. Interference broadcast by a large number of enemy electronic warfare stations did not prevent attack aircraft from successfully launching reconnaissance targets. Forward air controllers confirmed the destruction of the target. After completing combat work at the Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to their home airfield to prepare for the next flight. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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