A Brief Summary Of Lobotomy Corporation So You Can Go Play Library of Ruina

A few months ago, Twitch chat convinced me to try out a funny game called Library of Ruina. Before I could, I had to play a funny game called Lobotomy Corporation. I didn’t get very far into the game myself (around day 20) before the game overwhelmed me. I said screw it, looked up the ending, and started on LoR. However, as the game got deeper I realized that it really was necessary to understand everything that happened in Lobotomy Corporation. This revelation happened around the same time that I was recommending LoR to my friends. But I couldn’t find a good summary of Lob Corp on Youtube, so I made it myself. Here you are, a quick overview of the entire plot of Lobotomy Corporation so you’ll know everything that happens going into Library of Ruina. Forgive me if it’s not entirely accurate, I pieced all this together through Wikis, Twitch Chat, and several gallons of alcohol over the course of a month or so. I have another channel for stream VoDs:
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