AWS User Group 3city - Meetup #2

AGENDA - Kirill Solovei - Systems Engineer, Epam Systems (Gdansk, Poland) “Database migration: through thorns to RDS“. This presentation will walk you through hands-on experience of migration from on-premise PostgreSQL database to RDS using Database Migration Service and Schema Conversion tool. What could possibly go wrong, did. What seemed easy at first, wasn’t. - Viktor Vedmich - Amazon Web Services, Senior Developer Advocate (Munich, Germany) “DevOps is dead or not? Exploring its relationship with platform teams“. DevOps, a term coined in 2009, has taken us on a journey of discovery over the years. We’ve grappled with its meaning, its processes, and its role. Soon after, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) entered the scene, adding a new dimension to the conversation. Many system admins found themselves shifting titles, first to DevOps, then to SRE. Now, the latest buzzword is Platform Engineering. Check out our social media: AWS User group 3City: - MEETUP: - WEARECOMMUNITY: - TELEGRAM: - DISCORD: Rolling Scopes: - INSTAGRAM: - LINKEDIN: - TWITTER: - TELEGRAM channel: ​ - TELEGRAM group: ​ - FACEBOOK: ♡ Support our school:
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