Windmill Theatre - Backstage (1932-1939)

Windmill Theatre in London - Backstage. Nice dissolves from shot to shot - done in camera? Looks more like early to mid 1930s rather than 1920s. Chorus girls’ rehearsal; high-kicking line (girls in exercise shorts and little tops). CU dancers’ legs. Dancer sits w/ leg raised as she ties ballet shoe. CU woman choreographer / instructor watching. CUs attractive young women. 4 girls relax together. 7 dancers rehearsing bouncy tap number w/ hats;2 of the girls are cross-dressing; in trousers and ties. Cheesecake / comedy. CU shower head on ceiling w/ water dripping out. Woman entering shower; back to camera; wearing towel wrapped round her body; bathing cap. She steps in; starts to lower towel; turns; stares w/ shocked look; closes curtain. Saucy! (And camp!) Cafeteria: women in long gowns wait in line for their food, carved and dished out by chef. Girls in dining room. Dog stands up on chair & begs for food; gets some. Actors & actresses relaxing on roof of the theatre; in different costumes; drinking bev
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