Ceephax Acid Crew Live in Brussels 1999

Organized by Firstcask Records in the autumn of 1999, Destroy Bikini was a illegal party in a delapidated ballroom in Brussels which was on the verge of collapse (check out the glass dome at which had a net under it to stop people being impaled by falling glass). Ceephax was contacted via Chelmsford record label Spymania using a new form of communication called “email“ by acid enthusiasts Gael and Youri who’d discovered his Radiotin EP in a shop in Brussels and wanted him to come over and play. He took a ferry from Hull and drunk all night with truckers and woke up facedown on the dancefloor as it was docking in Zeebrugge. It was only Ceephax’s 5th or 6th gig and by the time he played he was highly stoned on euro-weed, a little tipsy on Belgian beer and rather disappointed by a stale Belgian waffle. Nevertheless it was a wicked party and cemented a lifetime friendship with the boys from Firstcask which led to some of Ceephax’s best releases. Someone did manage to pour candle wax in
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