Inside A Beautiful Secret Garden Landed Home Retreat By A Father-Son Architect Duo

This week, we visit a lush landed home located in the east, which has been a family home for 30 years. The home originally had just 2 bedrooms, living, dining and a utility room. The father and son duo, Marcus and Mohan, are both architects and gradually renovated the home to fit the family’s needs over time which includes a new family area as well as a study room. Over these 30 years, the home has been filled with art, ceramic works and collectibles made or collected by the family, creating a very personal space. The family also chose to build around a large tree that was on the property instead of removing it, which ultimately became the relaxing corner in their entertainment room. Due to the west-facing of the home, the family also cleverly took advantage of the foliage by using weights to grow it sideways. These bent trees and plants then then acted as a natural barrier from the sun, and creates a nice effect of the light flowing into the home. We really like the overall open and natural feel to the spa
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