Azerbaijan - Dzhavadov Bid For Power Ends In Death
(20 Mar 1995) T/I 10:15:29
DATE: 17 MARCH 1995
Dzhavadov bid for power ends in death
Troops in Azerbaijan on Friday (17/3) crushed an attempted coup by rebel police units. President Haydar Aliyev survived the attack, but some 80 people were killed in the fighting. Among the dead were sacked Deputy Interior Minister Rovshan Dzhavadov, who headed the revolt along with his brother Makhir and was killed when government troops attacked the base outside Baku where the rebels were holed up. According to officials, Dzhavadov wanted to be interior minister of the Transcaucasian state, third biggest oil producer of the former Soviet republics and he enlisted hundreds of police employees in a bid to force the government to meet is wishes. Aliyev came to power after an uprising forced the elected Popular Front President Abulfaz Elcibei to flee in June 1993. He is now trying to bring peace to the country, but is embroiled in a war agains
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